Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rewind color palette
Inspired by Be Kind Rewind the movie

Inspiration image for today
Be Kind Rewind
Love this film. I love the way Michel Gondry creates the remakes of American films.
Its great to see the hodge podge style of Ghostbusters and Driving Ms. Daisy..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

new color palette
Paris in the spring time

Great background shot
I can see adding some white silohuettes
and some fun fancy font

So we're talking about romantic comedies as a theme for our wedding
I've gathered a few images that inspire me
Paris Je T'aime is a great film that romanticizes Paris and the people that
live there. I loved the city and the time we spent there.
It could be a great way to incorporate the look and color into a engagement announcement
or save the date.
Colors ..
Easter egg blue and a primary red
Love it ..
Good combo for spring